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View ArticleImagine if... you loved healthy habits
Imagine if...Imagine if… Eating fruit and vegetables was even more enjoyable than eating sweets and chocolateImagine if…Working out and stretching your body was even more enjoyable that scrolling the...
View ArticleThe Gentle Village - A place to talk about relationships
Welcome to The Gentle Village, a place for us to connect, knowing we don't have to do it all alone. A safe space to explore Relationships. Vulnerabilities, Curiosities, Courage and a deeper connection...
View ArticleFuel inspiration by pondering the beginning of all life
Mindfulness is all about being in the NOW. I have created an acronym to help us remember to cultivate our curious and creative state. This is the thing that will turn suffering into life. Pain is...
View ArticleHow To Do A Daily Check-In And Intention Setting
To help see the value of this let's look at the story of Jo and Jae, two friends who lead similar lives. It's a cold, icy and wet Tuesday morning...Jo is woken up by the alarm at 6:50am and looks at...
View ArticleVoicing Vulnerability: Awaken the Adult State
This morning I did what I often do, my practice of checking in with my emotional vulnerability - my inner child. I've come to realise, through this practice, that most of the time I don't need to 'do'...
View ArticleHow Active Rest Refreshes Us
We need to rest. But what about “active rest”? It seems like an oxymoron, but what exactly is it and how can it help?Self care and rest come under the same bracket, and it’s widely accepted that we...
View ArticleSelf-Care is not a job, it's awesome, fun and wonderful!
As I work with clients I heartily encourage them to love themselves through caring for this incredible organism that they are. We are a body. You can enjoy the idea and feeling of being a spirit too,...
View ArticlePutting Intersectionality into daily practice
I admit that I was very resistant to some modern ideas of intersectionality, as well as other social justice reforms. It's simply because I couldn't work out how to use them and how they would...
View ArticleMentoring: Teaching 'what' to think as well as 'how' to think
Sir Isaac Newton, the famous English scientist, once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” Of course, Newton wasn't literally standing on the shoulders of...
View ArticleFOMO to JOMO: Feeling the joy of now
For starters, turn down the FOMO by de-stimulating on the social media and other junk. Go have a dance instead! FOMO is the Fear Of Missing Out; a plague of the mind that is rooted in the fear of ‘not...
View ArticlePractical Steps for Finding Peace After Loss
Dealing with the aftermath of a significant loss can be one of the most challenging experiences life throws our way. While there is no simple roadmap for grief, there are ways to make the process of...
View ArticleMy hypothesis of why I have ADHD and how I am improving it
I'll preface this with a BIG caveat. All of the following is my OPINION, which is not based in research., but on my experience and ideas. This may be different to your experience. I'm open to hearing...
View ArticleMind - Body Health Benefits: How mindfulness connects it all
Being mindful is often linked with your mental well-being, but does it also affect your physical health? Mindfulness isn’t just about managing stress–it can also help with your physical health in a...
View ArticleIt's Time To Stop Being Ashamed Of Our Mental Health
It’s time to stop being ashamed of your mental health and to start making some changes to the way that you live. We understand that there are times where it’s hard to talk about how you are feeling...
View ArticleMistakes are opportunities to learn, grow and connect
I know that you know this and its often difficult to change....Ruminating on your mistakes, holding onto the past, and allowing yourself to keep repeating negative behaviours or actions can impact...
View ArticleEMDR and AIP models for trauma therapy
The diagram here and below represents a roadmaps for healing using EMDR is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. This is part of the AIP (Adaptive Information Processing Model)The overall...
View ArticleWhy I’m done with the 'cult of self improvement' and Goenka's rigid Vipassana
Ahh my second attempt at the Goenka 10 day Vipassana meditation retreat... I was so excited and nervous. 10 years ago I had such a mind blowing time (read about it here) and this time I wanted to...
View ArticleRemembering The Power Of Presence: My Satvatove Experience with David Wolfe
David Wolfe walks in wearing an 80’s style grey suit, a thick striped tie, round spectacles and black socks. He certainly doesn’t fit with the modern idea of a personal development teacher, who...
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